new things

NEW THINGS list for July 2012

In the summer of 2012 several of my friends started reading books like Seven and Love Does. We were inspired and my friend MK decided to mix it up a bit. We followed her lead and made lists of 31 things - new things - to do in the month of July. This is why I started this blog (sort of), to track my new things and try to capture the newness that was happening. 

Here is my list. Some things I'm still working on, some I accomplished, some new things just happened (get published) and so I added those on as well.  I wrote my list a few days into the month and so I had already done a handful of things for the first time (play Sloshball, strawberry picking, steam lobsters, go to Nantucket). Why not?  The challenge is to have a full life that stretches me and makes me a better human, not to be edgy and daring (well maybe a little). So as new things come up in my life, I'm happy to think of them as additions to my July of 2012.

X = done
O = still working

X  go strawberry picking
X  steam (& race) lobsters
X  visit nantucket 
X  play sloshball
X  babysit baby Everett by myself
O  drink 2L of water a day for 1 week
X  no new clothes month
O  do yoga for 7 days straight
O  read the new testament
X  read the newspaper
X  swim in walden pond
O  write 5 letters
O  volunteer with a women's org or shelter
O  send N an anonymous token of love
X  practice the divine hours
X  volunteer at soccer nights
O  get my nose pierced (not sure I want to do this)
X  decorate my room
X  no drinking out month
O  watch sunrise over the atlantic
O  plant sweet potatoes 
X  work from a coffee shop
X  start a blog
O  buy myself fresh flowers
X  pray with a friend
O  go to a movie matinee
X  strike up a conversation with a stranger at a coffee shop
O  bed before midnight for 7 days straight
O  talk with a friend from high school
O  go on a blind date
X  participate in a food swap
X  harvest my compost
X  bake for my neighbors & land lady

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